Workshop Review(9) — The Magic Of Mind Maps 心智圖 *法* 課的魔力
*Mind mapping is the additional branch of the thoughts in your mind.* That refers to how you practice the mind map, not how beautifully you outlined it. The core idea is about deleting the irrelevant ideas. We can filter them out and narrow them down to the same categories. Eventually, what remains would be the concentrated ideas we require. That is the step that takes your mind map to the next level.

So far, I have gained two and half years of experience in the workplace, But that still puts me at the level of a freshman in my career journey. When I look back on this journey, I have learned that the business world is silent. Nobody listens to your voice because your resume is what talks. So, to attract the attention of the Human Resource Department, I set a learning milestone to collect new skills to polish my resume.
However, obstacles pop out whilst you are running on the path to archive your goal. My obstacle is that I forget the things I learn before I memorize them. In order to fix this issue, I went to the bookstore to buy some books from the category of mind mapping or learning how to highlight the main idea. But a second issue came out of nowhere. Before mastering those books, the more knowledge I gained, the messier my brain becomes. Eventually, my learning percentage circled back to zero because my brain crashed.
接著,問題就出現了。所學的東西越來越多,常常會記得後面忘了前面,打開筆記找不到重點更是家常便飯。為了解決重點筆記的問題,會跑去書局買了更多書。當中,也包含心智圖的書籍,但後來不是沒搞懂,就是腦袋當機 ,然後就草草的結束了。
So I decided to sign up for the mind mapping workshop to complete the puzzle of learning a new skill. The negative experience of the workshop I went to is that I still have no clue when is the right moment to use the skill I learned to form the seminar or if I have used it the right way? But, the curriculum of this workshop is to explain the rule of mind mapping by examples, so you can be aware of when and how to use it immediately.

After the seven-hour seminar, I picked up the method and practiced it step by step. Here is the achievement I have made:
在上完一整天的課程後,也慢慢的將學到的技巧與觀念活用與使用。雖然速度很慢,但也完成了下列幾件事情 :
- Make writing more effective and coherent : Mind mapping would sort out my thoughts and outline the frame of the article. As well as dig deep into my ideas by lateral thinking and vertical thinking.
1. 寫作效率提升:在寫一篇文章之前,會用心智圖的方式講大綱描繪出來,並運用在課堂中教到的水平思考與垂思考,來增加深度與廣度。有助於提升寫作的完整性與速度。
2. Optimize my ideas : Highlight the main ideas in the books I read by mind mapping. Not only saving more time but also making my notes neater.
2. 精簡讀書筆記:雖然速度不快,但慢慢的可以將一本書的重點濃縮成一張心智圖,省下很多時間,也可以一鼓作氣的將心智圖用簡報來呈現。
3. No more long meeting records : Recording the highlights of the meeting and writing it down in the frame of mind mapping, not only saving more time but also making it neater.
3. 會議記錄不再雜亂:利用心智圖快速紀錄,使我的會議記錄不再是流水帳。開會後也節省很多整理的時間。
Mind mapping not only increases the capacity of independent thinking, but it also turns complicated things into something easier. On a personal note, I use mind maps to reinforce logical thinking so that I can lay a little groundwork for the blueprint that’s transformed from my fictional idea. You could have saved valuable time if you haven’t missed this step. Eventually, this becomes the concentrated version narrowed down from an enormous amount of work. That literally links back to the first sentence I used to break down the main point of this article, “Mind mapping is the additional branch of the thoughts in your mind”. It is all about how you demonstrate your main idea and not about how beautiful the paper looks.